Naturopathic Medicine

Discern the root cause of patient's concern by talking through symptoms, physical exam, lab work. Then, together, we'll come up with a plan to use naturopathic therapies. Then we'll assess if the therapies are helping and adjust our plan accordingly.

Dr. Kim Callaghan, ND has been practising natural family medicine since 2001. She works especially with women and children for concerns ranging from hormonal changes (fertility issues, pregnancy, endometriosis, period cramps, perimenopause, menopause), mood concerns, learning differences, focus and concentration issues (ADHD), autism spectrum, allergies, digestive issues. Dr. Kim is warm and easy to talk to with sharp clinical skills. She is regularly delighted and befuddled by her own children aged 13 and 10.

Dr. Kim Callaghan, ND has been practising natural family medicine since 2001. She works especiall... Read More

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